Sound has a far greater effect on our everyday existence than we can even imagine. The entire Universe is in a state of vibration. Every part of our bodies have a vibratory frequency, our cells, our bones, the electromagnetic fields that surround us. The resonance of pure frequency can help one come into balance. When we are healthy, everything in our body vibrates in harmony. Dis-ease occurs when a part of our body begins to vibrate at a different rate, out of harmony with the rest. The principle of entrainment explains how sound healing works. When the brain waves and the nervous system come into resonance, balance can be restored and tension released. Sound is heard not only through our ears, but through every cell of our bodies.
Nalini's sound baths are a gentle yet powerful experience, which invite deep rest and relaxation. Using a variety of instruments, including Native American flutes, the shamanic drum & shruti box, rattles, Himalayan and Crystal singing bowls, chimes & her powerful voice, these journeys have been described as a ‘sonic soul retrieval’. They bring an instant sense of wellbeing and homecoming. Nalini trained with acclaimed sound healers Tim Wheater and Cherub and is a member of the Alchemy of Sound Collective at the Goddess Temple of Glastonbury.
Cost - £333
A individually tailored private session lasts for one hour and fifteen minutes . As the power of sound plus intention is a potent manifestation tool, each session starts with guided self-enquiry in order to hone in on the focus for the work. Nalini then opens the space ceremonially with sung invocation and applies various sound healing tools to evoke deep relaxation and journeying. Many describe the experience as a sonic soul retrieval and a deep ancestral remembrance. The instruments used include the shamanic drum, rattles, Native American flutes, shruti box, Himalayan and crystal singing bowls, chimes, as well as 111 htz tuning forks which are used directly on the body.
“Nalini’s session was transformational. Through her angelic voice and the crystal bowls, I was transported into very pure high dimensional frequencies where I connected with my Spirit Guide and then grounded back in my body with very deep, earthy tones and drum. I would say Nalini’s work is both deeply shamanic and exquisitely celestial, bridging heaven and earth.”
Cost - £111