Sacred Sabai ceremony



The Sacred Sabais originate from an ancient Thai Temple tradition, and brought to the West by David Ash. Sabais are beautiful pieces of cloth in radiant colours that are placed around people's shoulders, holding the exquisite energies of the Deities and Ascended Masters they are dedicated to. They are elegant and effective tools to help people connect to Source and - like a magnifying glass - they amplify the Light of Divine Love and Truth within the human heart.

A Sabai Blessing is a rare gift, a precious moment of true peace, an opportunity to heal our soul and our spirit as we experience the presence of the Great Mystery. The Sabai Ceremony creates an oasis of tranquillity, a safe and sacred place to open yourself to the blessings of the realms of light. Accompanied by Nalini’s beautiful music, she acts as a channel for the compassion, healing and love of the Divine Mother to flow through. Sabai Ceremonies are not associated with any particular religion - they are simply a channel for divine love.

Women's Ceremony in Goa


Known as the food of the gods, cacao is a powerful but soft feminine plant medicine used for many centuries in Guatemala and other places around the world.
The spirit of cacao brings a subtle opening of the heart and activation of the chakra system. In ceremony, we will bless and imbibe this sacred elixir to welcome more love and release fear that may be blocking us from living our true potential. And, of course, we will sing our hearts out!

After attending the winter solstice galactic alignment ceremony in Palenque, Mexico in 2012, Nalini journeyed to Lake Atitlan, Guatemala, where she first encountered Keith the Cacao Shaman. She went on to train with him over the following months, as well as sitting in cacao ceremonies with Mayan elder, Tata Pedro. She uses the highest grade of Mayan, fair trade, ceremonial cacao sourced by Keith.

Central Altar


Prayerful songs and invocations help anchor the sacredness of an occasion. Nalini offer music for rites of passage including the honouring and celebration of birth through baby blessings, menarche ceremonies and the affirmation of love and sacred union in marriage. She also can channel a song uniquely for your special occasion, something to be treasured for years to come.

Nalini also offers elemental ceremonies to bless the air, water, earth and fire. She has conducted water ceremonies as a planetary service for many years. Her ‘Water Blessing Song’ has created a ripple effect around the world, inspiring many people to hold their own water ceremonies too.